Places I Travelled To in 2018
Last year I didn’t make it outside of Europe, which is actually a bit unusual for me. You’ll see lots of great UK and Ireland locations and I’m also very glad I got to explore lots of places by train (high five to Mother Earth).
All The Places I Travelled To In 2017
This year was a year of exploring Great Britain, flying across the ocean to Canada and America, visiting familiar and new places in my native country (the Netherlands) and the long awaited girls beach trip.
A Love Letter to Bagels & Beans
I first discovered Bagels and Beans in Leiden, during my uni years. A large group of students from my course used to rush to Bagels and Beans for a delicious lunch during the break between two lectures and I have to admit I probably wrote most of my thesis in there too.
Things to Do In Rotterdam | The Netherlands Outside of Amsterdam
Let me start off by admitting that I've only been to Rotterdam properly twice. I'm still not sure why I didn't go back before then, and why it takes moving to a different country to really appreciate your own.